Our technicians work hard every day to make sure that your machine is ready for you when you want to get the job done.

Labor Rate: $110 per hour
We work on ALL makes and models. If you break it, we fix it!
Our Service Process:
- Machine taken into our shop and tagged. If you did not purchase the machine from us we require a $55 diagnostic
fee at this time. If the machine is
repaired the diagnostic fee is applied to the repair. If the quote is
declined the diagnostic fee is forfeited. If you purchased a machine from us and chose not to repair it after it has been triaged, the diagnostic is due at the time the machine is picked up.
- Triage- the machine is looked over thoroughly for the issue it is brought in for and anything else that might effect the performance of the machine
- Quote- the customer is called with a quote based on what the technician finds on the machine during triage. At this time you will be given an approximate time frame for completion of the unit. This is based on the amount of machines ahead of yours in line. If you need your unit repaired faster than the time frame that you are given you may request a STOP THE SHOP service.
- Parts ordered/ pulled- When the customer approves some or all of the parts are ordered and pulled for the technician to install on the machine
- Repair- the technician repairs the machine once all of the parts have arrived. Machines are repaired in the order that they were approved. If your parts come in the same day as another person's but they approved their quote before you, their machine will be repair before yours.
- QC- the machine is used by another staff member to assure that it functions properly and safely based on the quote that the customer approved.
- Checkout- the machine is washed and billed and the customer is called to pick up the machine
**All machines not picked up within 5 days of the customer being informed it is complete will incur a storage fee of $10 per day, unless other arrangements are made with management. No inside storage is available for long term storage.
STOP THE SHOP service= All technicians will stop what they are doing and repair your machine as soon as your parts walk through the door. The fee is $185 per hour, per technician for this service. This service is intended for emergency situations only.